Sunday, January 2, 2011

"All men are created equal"

The moment child Gobind Rai was born in Patna, Pir Bhikhan Shah of Thaska offered his prayers facing East instead of towards the West contrary to his daily practice. He left for Patna immediately. On arrival at (Guru's) residence, Pir placed two bowls of milk and water before the divine child. The new-born Divine Being put his hands on both the bowls thus signifying the entire humanity springs from the same divine fountain: How can some be good and others evil

Awal Allah noor upaya
Kudrat ke sab bandey
Ek noor te sab jag upjaya
Kaun bhale ko mande.

'First of all, God created light; Mother Nature created all human
beings equal; from that one Light the entire world came into being;
so how do we differentiate that one is better that the other?'

Punjabi Sikho - Parho, Likho, Bolo

I believe that preserving languages of the world is a worthy task, that would both preserve culture and heritage of people all across the earth.

Punjabi is losing the race to English and other foreign languages. Why??? Is it cosmopolitan surroundings, Multiculturalism or we are just less appreciative of what we have. There is nothing wrong with learning English and other foreign languages. but to relinquish your 'mother tongue' is. If not the language, definitely we are losing the essence of it. The idioms, proverbs, words for appreciation and gratitude, sting of sarcasm and verses of romance and eventually we gonna lose it all. Above all now We have Gutkas with English translations.

I'm a Glossophilic(Wikipedia defines glossophilia as a love of language, be it foreign or mother tongue. The term refers to people with a deep and passionate love for language.). I believe Language is the only way to retain a culture. It is through language that we develop our thoughts, explore our customs, articulate our values and lessen the cultural conflicts between generations. If we are too quick to abandon our mother tongue, what other values we would be interested to keep.

Punjabi gives me sense of belonging to my roots, rich culture and colourful customs and traditions. we should take initiative to teach or learn Punjabi on our own, either through University courses or scads of online courses.

"Few things are there to keep. Mother tongue is one of them".