Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A year

An year full of sleepless lonely nights , tough times and practically every single day was same but i learnt to cope with it. I always wanted my old life back because to me that was 'Perfect' but i forgot that change is a part of life. Life is what you make it, at times it is hard to handle. But if you can't handle it at worst, then sure as hell don't deserve at best."

December the 21st. Its been a year here. I m my Daddy's Princess always been pampered and protected from the truth of life. New country, city and culture was a huge change for me. Nobody was there i can rely on. Then i learnt how life works. Bubble of illusion i was living in busted. Year 2010 taught me how life works.

But still it dint feel like that its been an year here. Time is flying by. My new journey is beginning tomorrow (2nd inning). I think with all those gone months, twisted paths and new people in my life. I have founded that if you love life, life will love you always.

"What appears to be an end is really a new beginning".

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